Call it eternal! Struggling through life. Struggling with constant thoughts of future, with the thought about the time going on. Have been living life in an imaginary world for quite some time. Reading quite a bit, watching a lot of movies just to get li'l sense from those. Having lived in virtual world for so long finding it really difficult to get along with the real one. There comes a time in everyone's life when noone's company can sooth you.Walking through a familiar crowd unnoticed. Still trying to come to terms with the losses I have had in past.Remembering people forgotten midway through the journey. One's Who mattered. The silences around are making deafening noise. The silences with in. Just need a path to take on. One path in which I want to travel long and far. A path which has challenges I would want to take head on. That answer is missing. That one direction is missing and my whole life hangs on with this question. What do I really want?
If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is painful and we prefer the pleasures of illusion.