Thursday, February 22, 2007


I'm not much of a blogger. Never have been. Can see it as a piece of space for perenially talkative, visionaries wid their dreams, philosophers wid their theories, hardcore opnioned, unavoidably depressed and for stupids like me who fall into d none above.Every 4th or 5th person using net is a blogger today.And mind you, it's a pleasure to read blogs. Especially blogs written by people whom you know, but have always wanted to know better. It, no doubt, is a window to the deep compartments of the author's mind, which you have always wanted to open but never done it (yes, especially if it's a girl you have a secret crush on!).

I mostly enjoy reading the blogs of ppl whom I know and usually write on life. I find it a way of getting into the mind of d writer and find out what kind of character the blogger is.

Offcourse when u find interesting ppl on blogs but then there are counterparts too. Inevitably intelligent ppl whose blogs are basically enjoyed by d author himself.

I know it was a wierd thing to talk abt but then when u don't have anythin left in d head, these are d sort of ideas that come to your mind. This was just an example. There's more to follow... :)